Hello I’m Abhishek Pillai! I’m an Web development and software enthusiast. I believe perspective holds power to turn vice into virtue, which we have witnessed as a species time and again. It has helped me carve an upward trajectory and set me on a path to pursue my ambition.
Skilled in HTML,Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) JavaScript,MYSQL.
Passionate about OpenCV, TensorFlow and Neural Networks.
Keen interest in Data Science, Empirical Research, Statistics, and Machine Learning.
Well-versed with Git, GitHub.
I've Executed projects on prediction modelling using various machine learning algorithms like Transfer learning with CNN and SVM with supervised and unsupervised techniques.
Implemented complex coding for real time project.
Also executed projects which needed several image classifications,multi object detection in an image.
Made a NLP projects on text data,using several neural networks models like encoder-decoders, RNN for image captioning and also used with several libraries for text summarizations.